Day 13: London
Day 13 7/8/17 We got up, had breakfast, and went out to our tour bus on a much nicer day. We met our guide at the Victoria and Albert museum and arrived early. It was a Saturday morning and the traffic was unusually light. Our guide was running late and so we walked around the area until she came. Victoria Memorial One we got going, she took us around the city though we had to avoid the Trafalgar Square area because of the gay pride event. We got out and did some walking towards Buckingham Palace. We were close to the Prime Minister's house and our guide described how much security and other operations that were close to 10 Downing Street. We looked around at Buckingham Palace and managed to get some nice pictures of the area. It was way before the changing of the guards and the weather was much more agreeable than yesterday's heatwave. A closer look at Parliament for Kaiden, Derek, Mr. Miles, and I Kaiden with Gandhi at Parliament...