Day 13: London

Day 13     7/8/17

We got up, had breakfast, and went out to our tour bus on a much nicer day.

We met our guide at the Victoria and  Albert museum and arrived early. It was a Saturday morning and the traffic was unusually light. Our guide was running late and so we walked around the area until she came.

Victoria Memorial

One we got going, she took us around the city though we had to avoid the Trafalgar Square area because of the gay pride event.

We got out and did some walking towards Buckingham Palace. We were close to the Prime Minister's house and our guide described how much security and other operations that were close to 10 Downing Street.

We looked around at Buckingham Palace and managed to get some nice pictures of the area. It was way before the changing of the guards and the weather was much more agreeable than yesterday's heatwave.

A closer look at Parliament for Kaiden, Derek, Mr. Miles, and I 

Kaiden with Gandhi at Parliament Square

We walked over towards Parliament and the tower that held Big Ben, getting pictures along the way.

At that point, most of our group went to the Windsor Palace optional for a half day. They said it was very interesting and wished they had more time to look around.

The rest of us took the tube to Harrod's. Kaiden lead the way as we figured out the quickest route to our destination.

We spent time eating lunch and exploring Harrod's. I spent about a half hour in the store amazed at what was inside. I went around and saw a  lot of things, from food to lots of clothes. There was a sale. There were clothes 70% off but still cost £139.

It was so disorienting, that it took me a few minutes to find an exit. Harrod's is a big store.

Once I made  it out of the store, I had to figure out where the rendez-vous point was. I had come out in another exit.

We continued on to the Tower of London and spent a few hours in it. The warden tour was amusing, as always. I swear each time I hear it, they talk about something new.

We took the subway again and went to the Hard Rock Cafe to meet the others for supper. We had cheeseburgers and unlimited soft drinks. Unfortunately, there were a couple of tables that had rotten service and that sort of ruined it for them. Hard Rock merchandise was still purchased by students.

Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel to rest up from the day's activities.


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